Use Google Analytics to Accurately Measure Website Success

I love Google Analytics, which is a tool can provide an incredible amount of information. Analytics provides much more than cool graphs and a readout on how many unique visitors came to your site.

I always look to the experts when I want to learn more about a tool, and I’ve found the Holy Grail of Google Analytics. Avinash Kaushik is the Google’s Analytics Evangelist. He is a wonderful source on getting the most out of Analytics.

Avinash speaks through Occam’s Razor which is a principle rooted in simplicity that I personally love. Avinash describes this concept beautifully :

The simpler the explanation the more likely it is better than a complex one.

I think this sums it up, Everything should be as simple as possible and no simpler. Avinash’s site is a treasure trove of useful tips on Analytics and I hope you will check it out.

What do you use Analytics for?

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